Forno de Pizza

Calling all pizza lovers!
The Forno De Pizza oven is a recognizable name to what this appliance is, yet it cannot be mistaken for the sole use of baking pizzas. It’s a wood and gas fired oven that has heat controllability, and is easy to use. Forno de Pizza is made in the USA and offers the lightest pizza ovens in their class. Boasting dual-fuel with a stainless steel burner, the oven is engineered to be transported easily. Both built in and freestanding options are available.
The oven comes with all the tools necessary for instant use. The burner works as a gas-log starter making it easier and quicker to start than others. In 30-40 minutes, the ovens are ready to go!

It might seem simple but its two inch refractory singular shape has optimal heat absorption and diminished heat loss. The hearth stone is unique on itself due to a NSF approved fire brick that is layered with rocket insulation with added proprietary strength for a longer lasting life. The stainless steel custom designed laser cut burner hugs the inside of the oven maximizing the use of the cooking surface creating a cascade of controlled heat and fire. The electronic ignition system adds the latest in safety and has the capability to add future enhancements to the controllability of the oven.
Extremely easy to use with the flexibility of either using LP/Natural gas, or using 3V batteries/ 110V common household outlet. The carts are also designed to maximize portability and mobility allowing it to be moved and enjoyed at various locations. Different cart styles and oven colors provides variations to your person touch, your personal oven.
Extremely easy to use with the flexibility of either using LP/Natural gas, or using 3V batteries/ 110V common household outlet. The carts are also designed to maximize portability and mobility allowing it to be moved and enjoyed at various locations. Different cart styles and oven colors provides variations to your person touch, your personal oven.
Shape of the oven is very important. Forno de Pizza ovens maximize the 3 sources of heat: radiant, convection and conduction. The ratio of door to inside of the oven is optimized at 57-63% ratio. Most competitor ovens do not follow this ratio (they are not aware of this ratio). The wider back and narrower front of the oven also maximizes heat retention.
Radiant– the retained heat that bounces back to the inside of the oven without too much heat loss. Forno de Pizza’s 2 inch refractory wall heats up quicker than thicker walls in a bigger ovens and retains more heat than sheet metal walls.
Convection– the fire inside the oven generates a wave of heat not only from one source (wood) but 2 sources (wood and gas) which the gas is a predictable/controlled source of heat( most ovens are only wood fired).
Conduction– placing foods directly on to the hot stone, conducting direct heat to the foods/or containers which foods are being prepared.
Convection– the fire inside the oven generates a wave of heat not only from one source (wood) but 2 sources (wood and gas) which the gas is a predictable/controlled source of heat( most ovens are only wood fired).
Conduction– placing foods directly on to the hot stone, conducting direct heat to the foods/or containers which foods are being prepared.
Interested in a pizza oven? Or have questions? Schedule an appointment with an Edelman Expert by emailing